Grace of God Almighty
“All of us have become like one who is unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrive up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” Isaiah 64:6. The “us” here indicate that, everyone in this world, whether you’re a Christian or not. To God, we all mean one to Him, he cares for everyone and he forgives everyone who sin against Him. Because I’m a sinner and I constantly need God’s forgiveness. Without asking forgiveness, it makes me thing I’m proud of myself. But as human we are, we cannot think for ourselves, we need the guidance of a Supreme being, which is God in our lives. For we cannot do anything on our own, we totally need God’s dependence. In my spiritual formation, I totally need God in my daily life activities. For I know, I’m nobody when am on my own, but I become somebody when I’m with God Almighty. He takes control of everything within myself and he becomes the pilot, piloting my heart, mind and soul. All I want from God, is to l...