Grace of God Almighty

“All of us have become like one who is unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrive up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” Isaiah 64:6. The “us” here indicate that, everyone in this world, whether you’re a Christian or not. To God, we all mean one to Him, he cares for everyone and he forgives everyone who sin against Him. Because I’m a sinner and I constantly need God’s forgiveness. Without asking forgiveness, it makes me thing I’m proud of myself. But as human we are, we cannot think for ourselves, we need the guidance of a Supreme being, which is God in our lives. For we cannot do anything on our own, we totally need God’s dependence.

In my spiritual formation, I totally need God in my daily life activities. For I know, I’m nobody when am on my own, but I become somebody when I’m with God Almighty. He takes control of everything within myself and he becomes the pilot, piloting my heart, mind and soul. All I want from God, is to let His will be done. Nothing of me is good, better or best, it is always worst and getting rotten. Each day goes by without God, is like a sinking ship surrounding by a heavy storm. There is no hope at all, without God and this make life full of fear and death.

Therefore, I make sure God is always within me, not to have only in me, but direct me in everything I do, say and think off. I need Him every day, because he is the reason why this heart of mine is still beating. Because He lives, I can confidently face what may come in my life.
I thank God so much for His forgiveness, specially me, for I don’t deserve such a great forgiveness. All I want is more of His love, peace, faithfulness, long-suffering, joy, gentleness and kindness
God bless you, with the love of God.


  1. Sir, thank you for the post. However, I must say it is way too general and neither the class topics or personal experience is included.


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